16-channel tension test - problem solving page
What you need to do to get Eddie's programs to read
passports and compare various tension data:
- copy all needed files to your computer
- get copies of the four databases (Hampton, CERN, Indiana and Duke) and
the Indiana Interface (called Production DB at IU).
- install the ODBC connections
- install the programs
What you need to do to update Eddie's programs to
a newer version:
- using the "settings/ add/remove programs" utility, remove the
previous copy of the program
- transfer all needed files to your computer as described below
- install the programs as described below. You only need to run the
"install" file from the installer directory, not the one for the
SQL connections.
Instructions for all these steps are given below. If
you have a better way or run into problems, please let me know.
Best way to transfer files:
To install Eddie's Labview programs on your machine:
- Run the install which is in the TRT_Barrel_Wire_Tension\Installer directory
- Run the setup which is in the TRT_Barrel_Wire_Tension\SQL\Install
- Set all six ODBC connections as described below: you'll need to
have all databases available somewhere at your institute; contact Fred
Luehring if you need help in organizing automatic transfer of all databases
every night.
- Double click on TRT_Barrel_Wire_Tension Labview icon to run it
- The first time, you will be prompted for the lvanlys.dll library.
(This might now be obsolete)
- All vi's can be run from the TRT Barrel Wire Tension menu to compare various
sets of Tension data.
To set the ODBC connections needed by Eddie's comparison VI programs:
- from the settings /control panel/ administrative tools / data sources
- under the "System DSN tab: click on "Add".
- select Microsoft Access Driver (*mdb) then click on "Finish".
- data source name: enter a nickname for the database. To get Eddie's
programs to run on 16-channel tension tester data, the nicknames should be:
CERNDB, IndianaDB, DukeDB, HamptonDB and holesDB.
- A 6th ODBC connection is needed: nickname: ProductionDB and this
one should point to Indiana Interface.mdb.
- click on "Select..." and use the browser to select the
desired database (with mdb suffix).
- repeat this for: CERN, IU, Duke, and Hampton databases (and holes DB for
Eddie's vi's).
Basic info on how to use these programs:
- Click on the TRT Barrel Wire Tension program in the Program Files area
to access all programs
- Make your selection using the tab and go button, then click on the black
arrow to run the program after selecting site and module.
- The first time the program is run in a session, you'll need to run
the program twice to get the data.
- Each program has a tab on the main menu and some information on what it is
going to do.
- Some programs allow comparison at one site, some between sites, some with
single or 16-channel data
- You can rotate the surface plots by left clicking on the plot and
holding it down, then gently move the mouse around. It takes some skills but
Eddie pretends one can get used to it!
- You can also zoom in and out using the wheel on the mouse for these
surface plots
- You can change the sensitivity and cut-off of these comparisons,
flip to back and front ends using the various buttons on the screen
- Make sure you are requesting data that exist. For example, early
modules produced at IU won't have the 16-channel data available and CERN
site won't have single wire data except for the few wires that will be
- when updates become avilable, use the settings/ control panel /
add/remove programs menu to remove the old program cleanly, then
download the new files and reinstall. No need to reinstall the SQL drivers,
just the TRT Barrel Wire Tension files.
Using pscp to copy files from Indiana to get programs from Eddie's
directory: (account needed at Indiana University)
If the transfer of one database fails or you want to get a fresh copy:
(the scheduler runs the file ftp_CERN.bat every night. These commands are just a
- Get a Command prompt window starting from Start \ Programs \
Accessories \ Command Prompt
- type set PATH=C:\path\to\putty\directory;%PATH% in that window
- type:
ftp southshore.physics.indiana.edu
user "TRT Database"
usual trt password... ask Fred L.
lcd "C:\CERN Barrel DB"
cd "/DBServerF/Duke"
get "DukeDB2000.mdb"
cd "/DBServerF/Hampton"
get "HamptonDB.mdb" "HamptonDB2000.mdb"
cd "/DBServerF/TRT Database"
get "IndianaDB2000.mdb"
General tips if you cannot get a good reading on one wire on the
16-channel tension tester:
- check to see if there is supposed to be a straw attached to that
- check to see if there is HV on the HV pad corresponding to this wire
during normal scan
- make sure the module is properly seated on the loud speaker
- increase the "Output level" on the function generator
- increase the frequency range for the scan
- using Eddie's programs, check that wires located further away from the
speaker have good readings
- Name: pauline
- Synopsis: cannot record data into DB due to some SQL error
- Date: Thursday, July 10, 2003
- Time: 18:52
The error message is misleading and varies: it can say that there is
a data format mismatch or things like that.
Logon to trt-barrel5 as administrator or pauline.
Check the properties on CERNDB2000.mdb in CERN Barrel DB
See if at least 7 or 8 names appear there, all having full access
Note who has what kind of privileges and notify Pauline or Fred Luehring
To fix the problem:
Un-check the tick mark about inheriting access rights from parent
Say "yes" to the copy business
Click on "Apply"
Re-check the box about inheritance
Click on Apply again
This problem is caused by the DB compression procedure
that takes place every night. When compressing the DB, it creates
a temporary file and then renames it CERNDB2000.mdb but
for some obscure reason, the inheritance of privilieges is
lost. This problem is under investigation.