Leak Test Data Logger ReadMe: 28 July, 2003 |
To run the data logger and
write data to a file:
1) On TRT-barrel3, go to C:\Program Files\National Instruments\VirtualBench and open the Logger. There is a shortcut as well on the Nice trtbar desktop. 2) Under Edit, go to Settings. Click on File Config. Chose to either "Append" the data file, or "Overwrite" the file. If in doubt, choose Append. 3) On the same menu, Click Enable logging, and then Click Begin logging on start. 4) Choose a file name for your log file and type it in the window provided in the file config menu. An example of a standard filename is "M105.log" for module 1.05 data. 5) Click OK, and then Click OK again. 6) To begin logging, click Start on the main logger window.
To make a plot of the data,
and get a linear fit for the leak rate:
You have to be sitting at TRT-barrel3. 1) First, make a COPY of the data you want to use for the plot. Call the copy "data.log" in the virtual bench folder. If there is a "data.log" present, delete the old one and make a copy of the desired data. The Microsoft Excel program that makes the plot reads from this "data.log" 2) Go into Nice trtbar account, My Documents\leak test\logger and open linFit.xls. When the file opens, make sure to click "enable macros" at the prompt. 3) Under Tools, go to macro... , and click macros. 4) Run macro3. This imports the data.log file into excel, creates a plot with a linear fit. The slope is the significant number and is expressed in Torr/hour. Multiply the slope by 1.0743 to obtain the result in mbar/bar/min as desired. 5) This number has to be saved in the database using the interface. 6) Save a copy of the plot with a standard name: (plot105-2.xls for module 1.05, second test for example) in the Nice trtbar account, My Documents\leak test\leak rate plot. Print a copy and file it in the binder with passport info. |