HV Power Supply CAEN 1527 Control

Running the PS

  1. Plug it in

  2. Turn the main switch on the back of the PS on (switch on I)

  3. Turn the Key on the front to the position Local

  4. Check that the switches are on local enabled and interlock closed.

Assigning an IP address to the PS

  1. Connect a standard PC keyboard to the PS (socket KBD on the front).

  2. Press any key, then login as admin (password admin).

  3. Go to the Setup menu, select the submenu Communications and choose TCP/IP Settings.

  4. Enter for the IP Address and for the IP NetMask. If you leave the Gateway at the PS will only be visible inside the CERN network.

  5. Select OK to confirm the settings. 

Power Supply control 

For Computer control: Connect to the power supply with telnet trt-barrel-ps 1527. The window you get is the same as on the screen of the PS.

When you are at the login window, increase the height of the window, otherwise the status line will be missing.

Login with username/password user/user or 1527/1527.

Use the arrow keys to navigate, the Tab key to change back to the menu and the Enter key to select something. In the main menu you will find the Channels submenu, where you can set voltages and current limits and see the channel status. After you have changed a value confirm it with Enter or Space. To toggle between yes/no or on/off, use Space. When a channel is turned "on" the LED CH-ON on the top right corner of the PS is on.

Make sure that the trip time Trip is set to 0.0s and the software maximum voltage SVMax is set to 1560V (or another value slightly above your used maximum)

Usually V0SET and I0SET are the used values (indicated by V0 I0 in the status line at the bottom of the window).


When your done use Tab to go back to the menu and on main menu select logout.


Some comments on the boards

I/V Monitoring program

Installation of the CAEN OPC Server software

  1. Make sure your computer is running Windows 2000 or NT. The software does not run properly for Windows XP!

  2. Copy the directory \\Trt-barrel3\C\unzipped\CAEN HV OPC Server 2.5 to your computer or download the software from the CAEN website http://www.caen.it/nuclear/downloads.php (you have to register!). If you download the software, you have to unzip the complete file before you can proceed.

  3. Go into the subdirectory CAENHVOPCServer_2.5 and run SETUP (the application with the computer symbol). 

  4. Go into the other subdirectory OPCServerConf_1.1.0 and run setup (the application with the computer symbol). 

  5. Start the HV OPC Server Configurator and Add the power supply with a name (doesn't have to be the network name) and its IP number for a TCP/IP connection: (trt-barrel-ps, TCP/IP, IP address If everything has worked, the Status should change to Ok after a few seconds. Remark: If any client program is connected to the Server (e.g. the LabView HV monitoring), you cannot add or change the PS settings. In this case stop the client program first.

HV-Monitoring program 



HV-Files and colors


Full Path of HV-monitoring directory: \\cern.ch\dfs\users\t\trtbar\HV-Monitoring\HV Programs
File Name Color Where  Use (*) Outcoming file example (M3.05)
HV-Mon1.vi orange HV-Check station Front: channels 1&2 HV-condM305.txt
HV-Mon2.vi green HV-Check station Back: channels 3&4 HV-condM305-1.txt
HV-Monsect1-(1-6).vi blue HV-Conditioning Channels 1-6 HV-checkM305.txt
HV-Monsect1-(7-12).vi violet HV-Conditioning Channels 7-12 HV-checkM305-1.txt

(*): Remember that the Power-supply numbers the channels and Boards starting at 0.